In this step: CHANGE the Way You Calm Yourself Down

Step Five

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 True understanding leads to trusting your body again.

 To rebuild trust in your body, you must first accept that it already knows how to get rid of dystonia .

 It's your anxiety that's getting in its way.

 This means that you should immediately begin to apply this simple technique: pick up the putting iron, pick up your musical instrument, sit down at the keyboard, sit down to read or watch television, sit at your keyboard, pick up that full glass... and let your dystonia symptoms happen. Do nothing to stop them. Absolutely nothing. Just wait .

 While you wait, create a mental image in your head : the adrenaline that is now flowing in your veins is getting diluted, no new adrenaline is added, and it is slowly draining away. And wait.

 Put your iron or instrument down. Do not attempt to type. Let the water spill from your glass. Keep your eyes closed. Do not speak. Let whatever is happening, happen. And wait.

 Trust that your body knows how to calm itself down, that adrenaline and cortisol are being reabsorbed and will greatly reduce. And wait.

 Respect your body, respect your emotions, respect the ways of nature. And wait.

 After a while (5 seconds, 5 minutes, 50 minutes) resume your task .

 If the dystonia symptoms come back or have not gone away at all, that's okay. It means your stress level is still too high.

 Continue to ignore your dystonia symptoms and continue to focus on lowering your fear, anxiety, and stress. Whatever happens, you're done for now.

 Smile at the situation, if you can. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying.

 Congratulations! You have successfully  gone through a training technique on how to lower your adrenaline levels.

 Go through this training as often as you canfocusing on learning how to act on the cause (your adrenaline/cortisol flow) rather than focusing on the dystonia symptoms or on completing your task. Your goal is to calm down.

 Accept that learning this technique will take time and effort.

 Do not focus on the outcome  (starting or completing the task), but focus instead on the process of controlling your emotions and lowering your stress (hormones) level.

 Trust that your body will cooperate with you in this approach.

 This technique will help starve the dystonia parasite of its food: fear, stress, anxiety and despair. Do not be in a hurry. Impatience is also one of dystonia's favorite foods.

 How long each one of these training sessions will take is impossible to say: for some of us, a few minutes; for others, much longer. What if I get discouraged, lose hope?

 Most dystonia sufferers will not see any improvement in their ability to start, do, and finish any given task; but that is not the goal of this technique: the goal is to learn how to reduce your stress level to the point when the adrenal release decreases.

 Many dystonia sufferers, who try this technique and who are able to master it, report a measurable decrease in symptom intensity, frequency and severity.

  Whether this technique leads to the complete disappearance of all your dystonia symptoms is one of the important questions you will find answered in the next step.

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