Couples Counseling

If you’re concerned about the relationship that you’re a part of or you’re not sure about its status, or whether you should go forward or not, let’s take a look at the details. The two of you may need premarital counseling to make sure you’re asking all the right questions and getting the right answers. Or you may be already cohabiting and married, and you’d like to enhance your relationship, i.e., making it better or much better than it is right now. Perhaps you’ve come to an impasse and can’t seem to fix what needs fixing, and relationship repair could really help unblock the situation. If you’re not sure where to go from here, you might benefit from discernment counseling, especially if you are at odds about the future of your relationship. It is possible that you may need help navigating separation and impending divorce. We could talk about the relationship that just ended and help you get back to dating and perhaps contemplate making a new commitment. If there are children from the current or previous relationships, we may want to discuss issues and best practices that could help you navigate any rough “blending” waters. We could also talk about how relationships succeed or fail, how they can be destroyed by notorious “deal breakers” or helped by adopting proven best practices. Or we might focus on specific issues, which may be as unique as the two of you are. If you haven’t scheduled your appointment yet, give us a call at (678) 554-5632 to set an appointment (either at my office or online via telehealth) or send us the appointment request form, which you will find here on the website.