Clinical Psychology

If you’re wondering about your mental health or have been diagnosed with a disorder, and if things aren’t improving or are getting worse, we might need to talk about what can be done to make you feel better. Perhaps there is a non-chemical addiction that takes up so much of your time and energy. Or we might need to discuss where things stand right now in your life, and which adjustment to a recent or distant event or situation may be affecting your mental status. We could also talk about how you’re coping with PTSD from emotional trauma of any kind (current or from your past) or if you’re relying too much on alcohol or other prescribed or illegal chemicals to make yourself feel better. Anxiety is often a by-product of traumatic life events and situations. If what’s handicapping you is an attention deficit that makes you mess up, postpone or avoid important tasks, let’s talk about improving your self-management skills. We might need to figure out whether there is a bipolar (up and down) pattern to your mood and what we can do to help you better manage these emotional swings, and help you get back to within a normal range. We could also discuss your complicated grief (if you lost someone or something very valuable such as your job), especially if the severe grief seems to last longer than you thought it would. We could take a closer look at your depression and how well the medication you’re taking is helping you, and how adding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may speed up your recovery. Perhaps this is the right time to address your obsessive-compulsive (OCD) thoughts and behaviors, and I could share with you a few proven tools that may help reduce your symptoms. Or we might evaluate, diagnose, and focus on a specific mental health issue, which may be as unique as you are. Give me a call at (678) 554-5632 to set an appointment (either at my office location or online via telehealth) or send me an appointment request form, which you will find here on my website. I look forward to working with you!